Well...so much has happened since last I wrote that I don't even know where to start.
SOOOO....I think I will just give you my highs and lows for May AND June..... since I missed May.... and then see if I can ease back into things.
Kirsten's graduation
Graduation parties.
My parents week long visit.
Chris and Grey's surpise visit for K's grad.
End of school.
Noah and Kate's wedding.
Seeing Mamma Mia with the girls.
Jesse and Kate's wedding...different Kate. ;)
Sleeping late.
New job at the library.
Jeff quitting second job.
Picnic at river with friends.
My heart...He is as constant as the Rocky Mountains and my true love. I do not know what I would ever do without him....and if you are reading this God....I never want to find out!
Parents went home.
Grammy's ill health.
Inability to deal with lack of connection with my friends and family.
Continued lack of financial stability.
So there ya have it! These few words can not even begin to describe the joy I had at watching our oldest child graduate....or seeing some of our favorite people united in marriage. So I'm not going to try. There have been so many pictures, mentions in blogs and postings on facebook, I am SURE enough has already been said. Like anyone is even reading this anyway.