
Friday, September 19, 2008


They say you can never go home again.

I say it depends on what you consider "home" to be.

I never had a physical home growing up. We moved a lot. Until we moved into this house in Castle Rock I had never lived anywhere longer than about a year and half.

Now...after nine years...I love our house. Not because it is huge or fancy or new. I love it because it is comfortable, because it holds lots of memories, because it has character, because the yard is big enough for all of our friends, because I can sit on my bed look out the window and see the sun set over the mountains.

But this is not my home.

Instead I choose to cling to another cliche'...."Home is where the heart is."...and my home is with my family.

My home is my husband...my children...and even though she lives in Washington State...my home is my mom.

Even though I am almost 42 my mom is still my mom. It doesn't matter how old I am,where she lives, how often we get to see each other, whether we agree or disagree or how long I have been married...my mother is still HOME.

It has nothing to do with how domestic she is...because she isn't really. It has nothing to do with the amount of kisses she showered me with as a child...because quite honestly I don't remember a lot of them, although I am sure there must have b een. And it has nothing to do with those "heart to heart" talks that at seem to be the centerpiece of so many mother daughter movies...because although we talk A LOT...the things we discuss aren't going to change the world.

My mother is HOME for the same simple reason my husband and children are. It is because of the peace that their love bestows upon my weary heart.

At the end of a long day, when the world and all in it conspires against me....the knowledge that they are there to "shelter" me is just as good...and probably better...than a comfortable chair, well worn wood floors, a big stone fireplace, a winding staircase,a well stocked pantry, an craft room crammed with fabric, a library full of classics and a view of the snow falling gently against the backdrop of the great rocky mountains.

And if you know me at all...you know that is saying an awful lot.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

With fall comes a messy house...

OMG...I almost forgot my HIGHS AND LOWS OF AUGUST 2008!!!!




SO...Here's the deal...my highs and lows are really more like "bittersweets" this time.

1. Keaton started High School.
2. Kaitlyn got her first job.
3. Kirsten is working..but full time.
4. It's time to start my fall/x-mas projects... but I had to drag everything back in from the garage after our non-move so I could even get started.

There was ONE definite high and that was going to the Balloon Lift Off in Co. Springs with Jeff and the kids this past weekend. We've been going since Keaton was about three so it was really nice to go...just me, Jeff and the kids. Kinda familiar...and normal for a change!!

ANYWAY....I know I haven't been writing much. I am hoping with the cooler weather that as my "creative juices" start to flow...and I use the term "creative" VERY loosely... I will be inspired to keep up with the blog! My biggest problem now is trying to stay focused on ONE fall project. My mind and my hands just seem to flit from one thing to another without getting much done. Do I work on organizing my craft room, quilt, make dolls, cross stitch, work on x-mas cards,x-mas decorations,bake or plant iris bulbs???

I just don't know WHAT to do?!?!

I have a feeling our house is going to be a little...um..."unattended to" for a while! ;)