OMG...I almost forgot my HIGHS AND LOWS OF AUGUST 2008!!!!
SO...Here's the highs and lows are really more like "bittersweets" this time.
1. Keaton started High School.
2. Kaitlyn got her first job.
3. Kirsten is working..but full time.
4. It's time to start my fall/x-mas projects... but I had to drag everything back in from the garage after our non-move so I could even get started.
There was ONE definite high and that was going to the Balloon Lift Off in Co. Springs with Jeff and the kids this past weekend. We've been going since Keaton was about three so it was really nice to go...just me, Jeff and the kids. Kinda familiar...and normal for a change!!
ANYWAY....I know I haven't been writing much. I am hoping with the cooler weather that as my "creative juices" start to flow...and I use the term "creative" VERY loosely... I will be inspired to keep up with the blog! My biggest problem now is trying to stay focused on ONE fall project. My mind and my hands just seem to flit from one thing to another without getting much done. Do I work on organizing my craft room, quilt, make dolls, cross stitch, work on x-mas cards,x-mas decorations,bake or plant iris bulbs???
I just don't know WHAT to do?!?!
I have a feeling our house is going to be a"unattended to" for a while! ;)
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