Well..it's the morning after the election...and I feel like yesterday was a holiday or something. I'm tired, a little let down and I woke up this morning wondering what the next big event was.
Anyway...what's done is done. If you are not committed to pray for our new leader, the leader of the greatest nation on earth,then you have not read the scriptures very closely. He needs our prayers. He is young,inexperienced and has young daughters who need to be protected from the CRAP that comes with being the child of a president. I am SLIGHTLY encouraged by the fact that he has already chosen Colin Powell to help guide his policy. That turncoat! ;)
I must admit to apologize for a couple of things. At work last night we were trying to find election results online and when we realized Pres. Elect Obama was winning I groaned very loudly. Then when Kaitlyn and I stopped by Starbucks on the way home Kirsten said, "We could move to Canada." and I said,"Why? They're ALREADY socialists." Then I told her I was going to build a bunker in the back yard, plant a garden,and raise chickens so that when the do-do hits the fan we can hide. These were not right responses. They were not comments encouraging to my children. They were a knee jerk reaction spoken in fear.
See that's the thing. Some of P.E.Obama's policies SCARE me. The biggest one is his stand on partial birth abortion. BUT..his OTHER policies..the ones that conservative/republicans have been so quick to label as "socialist"...are of our own making!
If we were doing what WE were supposed to do..If WE were caring for the widows and orphans..If WE were taking care of the homeless..If WE were feeding the hungry..If WE were concerned with our countries educational system..If we would stop arguing amongst ourselves, as believers..about so MANY issues..If we were putting our tithes and offering into PEOPLE and not buildings and programs..If the latest "celebrity" cause OUTSIDE of our country were slightly less important that the tired and huddled masses INSIDE of our own borders..If WE were turning off our TV's and computers long enough to CARE about others..or to even care about our own FAMILIES...then our government would not NEED to step in.
And please, don't freak out. I KNOW that there are issues outside OUR country that demand our attention. I seem to remember a couple of world wars fought for such issues. Genocide IS an important issue. Clean water IS an important issue. But I can not help but believe that a STRONG nation...a nation who takes care of it's own...could make an impact on this world that we can not EVEN begin to imagine. As a mother I can not serve my family or take care of my children when my body is not functioning correctly. Why do we feel that we can serve the rest of the world when our own internal structure is diseased? As strong as our weakest link and all that.
We do it to ourselves..or we allow it to be done to us. We are NOT victims. A "better world" takes sacrifice. Sacrifice, that we as a nation, as a world, are just not willing to make. Our forefathers sacrificed many things..from a creature comfort that became the Boston Tea Party...to their lives...so that we could have the freedoms that we enjoy today. Some of which we are QUICKLY loosing. I can't help but believe that they would be horribly ashamed to see what whiners we have become.
I heard on the news yesterday why we vote on Tuesdays. It is because MOST voters had to travel overnight to vote. The leaders of the time did not believe we should travel on the sabbath. So voters left on Monday, voted on Tuesday and then were able to return to their homes and their duties there before the next sabbath day.
Sacrifice people. It's what love is all about. Love of our Father for his children. Love of the blessed for those less fortunate. Love of those privileged to vote... for the future of their country.
And yes..as you well know..I work things through with words..LOTS of words. This rant is for my own benefit. I am speaking to myself. If YOU gain any insight from it... I'm sorry ;)
2 years ago
1 comment:
i like your balanced perspective.
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