"I like spring, but it is too young. I like summer, but it is too proud. So I like best of all autumn, because its tone is mellower, its colours are richer, and it is tinged with a little sorrow. Its golden richness speaks not of the innocence of spring, nor the power of summer, but of the mellowness and kindly wisdom of approaching age. It knows the limitations of life and its content."|
- Lin Yutang
Well..the kids aren't here and Jeff's not home yet. And as I sit here watching election eve coverage I have about thirty minutes to myself. So I though I would AT LEAST post my highs and lows of October since I can't seem to find the time to REALLY write.
Things have a been a little crazy around here. Jeff has worked a lot of extra hours in recent weeks. I just last week asked to go full time at the library. Kirsten is still enjoying Starbucks. Kaitlyn works 3-4 days a week and Keaton is, at this moment, at his last performance of Dracula at the high school. We were really proud of him. They don't pick many freshmen for their productions but he got a small role! We went and saw it the other night and it was quite good for a high school production. It was a small audience RIGHT on the stage with the actors. We were less then five feet from a lot of the action!!
My mom came in from WA a couple of weeks ago and brought my nephew Jarod with him. J-Rod to his hip hop Uncle Jeff ;) We got to go for a long ride in the mountains and catch the last of the fall color. BUT...Mom spent much of her time here sewing Raggedy Ann and Andy Costumes for Jeff and I....because she's just that kind of mom. I wore mine to a costume contest at work and WON!! Jeff then joined me in wig and face paint at a birthday party for one of our very best friends Noah. He turned a WHOPPING 29 years old!
As the holidays seem to crash down upon us I will try VERY hard to be more diligent in my posts.
OH DANG....I just remembered I need to do something about Christmas cards!!!!
ANYWAY....here's me list of highs and lows...which always makes me think about my dear..and very pregnant friend Kath. For without her I would have never began the monthly lists. Love you Kath!
Highs :)
1)A week long visit from my mom and Jarod and a weekend with my dad.
2)The kids fall break.
3)Saturday Night Supper Club with the Barnetts and the Cremisinos.
4)Halloween Potluck and Costume Contest where I won 1st place!
5)Noah's Birthday party.
6)Attending Keaton's performance in Dracula...which was technically Nov.1st..but it's my blog so I can do whatever I want!
Lows :(
1)My mom had to go home.
2)I REALLY miss my nieces and nephews at this time of year.
3)Ongoing money woes.
4)CONTINUOUS rhetoric from BOTH parties and NEVER ENDING political coverage and ads leading up to tomorrows presidential election.
5)The last of the fall leaves are loosening their grip..leaving the trees quite bare. They live such a short life. It seems but yesterday they were mere buds bringing us the hope of a much needed break from the winter cold and long days spent lazing in the sun with friends. Now they are gone...and the cool fall nights drive us indoors. I pray you take time to build a fire in the fireplace, play games with friends,read a classic book,build a puzzle, make coco or cider, and bake things which fill your home with the cool weather scents of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. For it is much easier to face the cruelties of winter..when huddled together with those you love.
Much love to you all!!!
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