Well, it happens to me at LEAST once a month. Just when I think it can't get any worse I let my guard down and then BAM!!!
Today I am watching the news and I hear this...... "A new DVD release of old episodes of Sesame Street comes with this warning, "These early 'Sesame Street' episodes are intended for grown-ups, and may not suit the needs of today's preschool child." "
Why? Cookie Monster carries a pipe in one parody—and then eats it. There are also concerns that his obsession with cookies may cause health issues for toddlers. Oscar the Grouch is too grouchy and mean. And in the first episode, a grown man—Gordon—asks a little girl to come home with him for milk and cookies... and she does!
Please Jesus....just take me home now.
Now, I do NOT think that Sesame Street is the BEST children's programming ever created. According to my mother I was scared of the cookie monster and hid behind the couch whenever he came on the screen. And although I love the newer character Elmo....I am a purist...and Kermit will forever be my frog prince. But FOR YEARS Sesame street was all we had as far as educational television. Until The Electric Company came along at least.
I digress though...AND show my age.
My point here is this.
Well....give me a minute...I'm trying to think of ONE point. There are just SOOOO many things wrong here I don't know where to start.
Ok...How bout this? .....LIGHTEN UP PEOPLE!!!!
WHY....WHY do "THEY" have to twist and pervert EVERYTHING that we held sacred as children!?!?! Heckle and Jeckle, Song of the South, Candy Cigarettes. There are TONS of other examples too.
My OTHER thing is this...If we are watching TV with our children it seems to me that WE could USE these questionable things as a way to explain that smoking, eating too many cookies, going into a strangers house...or even TALKING to strangers are BAD!
I admit. I let my children watch WAY too much TV...but when they were little I WATCHED what they were watching WITH them. That is how I fell in love with Bear in the Big Blue House. (Which by the way is also a Jim Henson Production.) And there is NOTHING like watching GOOD children's programing curled up under your child's blankie with them.....or lying on your stomach on the floor coloring in their favorite coloring book while you "watch".
Or hey....if you don't watch TV...pick a good children's book.... and if you don't have one of your own ,borrow a niece or nephew, or offer to babysit for your friends....and curl up under a blankie and READ. You'd be surprised how good it'll make you feel.
This is what I think though. I think we should buy those Sesame Street DVDs....bake about 10 dozen choc. chip cookies....throw a party and invite EVERYONE we know....and every time the Cookie Monster eats a cookie....WE EAT A COOKIE!!!
That'll show em!!
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